Saturday, 15 March 2025

Arithmetic Geometry 1 Dimension of Word

 Arithmetic Geometry 1

Dimension of Word

24 December 2012

Theorem by C. SoulĂ©, Lectures on Arakelov Geometry, 1992. 
 is morphism between regular arithmetic varieties.
 is pullback.
When  are morphism between regular arithmetic varieties, the next is concluded.

Interpretation of the upper theorem.
Word : .
Decomposition of word : , named pullback.
Decomposed meaning unit in word :  and .
Pullback is defined by the next from Efton Park, Complex Topologicak K-Theory, 2008.

Let  and be topological spaces, let  be avector bundle over , and suppose  is a continuous map,

Interpretation of theupper theorem 2.
Word can be deposed to meaning units by pullback.
Meaning unit also become pullback.

Pullback contains order function ord.
ord contains length.
Here length is longitude of composition series.
Here composition series is defined by the next.

A is commutative ring.
M is A module.
If A be field,  is M's dimension over A.

From 5. leads the next supposition.
When word is decomposed to meaning unit, each unit has demension that determines word's dimension.
(Here ends the paper.)

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