Operad Meaning Theory
From Cell to Operad
24 March 2013
I ever wrote a next paper in which cell and meaning minimum are defined.
Cell Theory. From Cell to Manifold For LEIBNIZ and JAKOBSON. Tokyo June 2, 2007.
In the paper, through Roman Jakobson's intuitional assist, the concept of meaning minimum is described by the elementary algebraic geomtry. At the deeper basis, Gottfried Leibniz's Monadologie , 1714 may influence for making this Cell Theory.
Cell Theory. From Cell to Manifold For LEIBNIZ and JAKOBSON. Tokyo June 2, 2007.
In the paper, through Roman Jakobson's intuitional assist, the concept of meaning minimum is described by the elementary algebraic geomtry. At the deeper basis, Gottfried Leibniz's Monadologie , 1714 may influence for making this Cell Theory.
The main target of Cell Theory was in the generation of meaning in word. This target was more clearly described soon later at the next paper.
von Neumann Algebra 2. Generation Theorem. Tokyo April 20, 2008.
von Neumann Algebra 2. Generation Theorem. Tokyo April 20, 2008.
But the balance of soft part and hard part in word, that was conjectered by Sergej Karcevskij in 1920s, is very hard theme to describe. Fro solving the hardness, trial papers were proposed at the next paper group, Notes for KARCEVSKIJ.
At the first paper of the Notes, Note for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej, the soft part in word was described by thr free group's definition.
There is more difficult theme on the dradual changeable addition of meaning for which langauge has always efficiently useful in the thus complecated contemporary world.
For this theme, I ever tried to write some papers related with time shift. The example is the next.
From another view on language, I had thought brane model for the connection of words or construction of language. The example is the next.
Briefly summarizing I have thought on language from its freeness, flexibility and changeability against long stern structure of soft and hard magical agalgum.
The gis is as the ollowing.
Language shows many phases from thinking levels and viewpoints.
Language can be captured more clearly from descreteness but more flexibly thinkable from meaning variation and changeability.
Changeability of language implies the eternality of time, but this eternality cannot be easily obtained propably without loop condition of movement.
Loop space can capture this eternality, that is shown often by the repetition. I firmly noticed this situation at the Shinto dance perfomance at a shrine festival.
Loop space was also notified early stage of Chinese histiory in sirca. 500 B.C. at one of the five classics, Yijing that is the fortunr-telling text of ancient China.
On Yijing, I was taught from philosopher NISHI Junzo.
On Yijing, I was taught from philosopher NISHI Junzo.
From Infinite loop space, the concept of operad is lead as the next.


Theorem (J.P. May's recognition theorem)

Continuous space
to which
operates is weak homotopy equiavalent with a certain
fold loop space.


Here I think that
is identified as a word that j number meaning minimums and 1 number compound meaning.

♦Here ends this paper.
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